Quinnipiac University


Bicycles and Bike Racks

Student riding a bike in front of School of Communications and Engineering at Quinnipiac


Bicycles and Bike Racks

Embrace a healthy and eco-conscious mode of transportation. Quinnipiac offers bike racks on all three campuses to make it easy to get around and have a place to store your bicycle. Not only do bicycles promote a sustainable lifestyle but are also cost-effective and perfect for getting to and from class.

Where Are the Bike Racks?

We offer several bicycle racks on and nearby the Mount Carmel, North Haven and York Hill campuses.

Explore all bicycle racks

Map of bicycle racks on Quinnipiac's campuses

Parking Rules and Regulations

Download the rules and regulations (PDF)

  • Motorcycles, mopeds, and other motorized vehicles with fewer than four wheels must be registered and display a valid parking permit and shall be parked in designated areas:
    • North Lot
    • Hogan Lot
  • Electric bicycles and scooters with rechargeable batteries are prohibited
  • Bicycle storage is permitted in the bicycle racks provided on all campuses
  • Bicycles may not be chained or locked to light poles, stairwell rails or sign poles 
  • Driving on sidewalks, lawns, recreation areas, and playing fields or within buildings is prohibited

Bike Safety

At Quinnipiac, our commitment to a safe and thriving campus extends to every aspect of student life, especially transportation. Before riding your bicycle on campus, check for the ABCs of bike safety - Air, Brakes and Chains.

  • A: Regularly inspect the air pressure and confirm that it meets the recommended level. Maintaining the correct tire pressure ensures a more comfortable driving experience and lowers the likelihood of a flat tire.
  • B: Inspect both the front and rear brakes to verify their proper operation. If the bicycle is equipped with hand brakes, rotate one wheel and engage the levers to confirm that the wheel comes to a halt.
  • C: Examine your bike chains for signs of rust and any damage. If your bicycle is equipped with gears, verify that the gear levers and derailleurs effectively shift the chain between gears.