Quinnipiac University

Undergraduate Types of Aid

iQ Career Explorer Scholarship

Petrosino walks outside the entrance of Viacom in New York City

Undergraduate Types of Aid

iQ Career Explorer Scholarship

Scholarship | $1,500 | Quinnipiac University

Each year, the Career and Experiential Learning Lab awards two scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students who wish to pursue meaningful unpaid or low-pay internship experiences.

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About the Scholarship

The iQ Career Explorer Scholarship is designed to provide financial support in the form of a stipend to students who wish to pursue meaningful unpaid or low-pay internship experiences relevant to their personal, academic and/or career goals. The scholarship, made possible by the John and Elizabeth Valenti Fund, can assist students with travel, lodging and overall living expenses during their unpaid internship.

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How to Apply


Previous iQ Career Explorer Scholarship recipients may not apply to renew the scholarship for a second year. Applicants may include students of all statuses including international and undocumented. Applicants may not receive another Quinnipiac University scholarship for the same opportunity. Applicants may pursue credit for the internship experience.

Applicant Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be enrolled full-time or part-time in at least the second year of an undergraduate degree program through the final year of a master's degree program at the time the application is submitted.

  • Be in school at the time the scholarship funds are disbursed and must not graduate before December 2024.

  • Have an accepted an unpaid or low-pay internship (defined below) before applying for the scholarship.

  • Be in good academic standing.

  • Demonstrate financial need and be in good financial standing with the university.

Internship Requirements

The opportunity must:

  • Be unpaid or low-pay.

  • Occur anytime between May – August 2024. Students may not apply for funding for internships that have already started or have been completed.

  • Total at least 120 hours.

For questions, please email iq.qucareer@qu.edu.


To apply, please submit your application online by Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

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Additional Information

Application Review

A committee of iQ staff members will review each application based on the established criteria which includes relevance of internship to personal, academic and career development/goals, quality of essay responses and financial need).

iQ staff will conduct verification checks to validate financial need/standing, academic standing and acceptance/quality of internship.

Service Agreement

Scholarship recipients must:

  • Complete the internship experience as defined by a learning agreement created with their internship site supervisor.

  • Complete an internship evaluation survey provided by iQ staff at the conclusion of internship experience.

  • Complete an electronic form provided to thank scholarship donor and demonstrate the positive impact of their contributions to Quinnipiac University.

Scholarship Disbursement

Scholarship funds will be dispersed by June 30, 2024. iQ staff will conduct a mid-internship and end of internship check-in with employer to verify attendance.

Learn More

iQ, Quinnipiac University’s holistic approach to career development and experiential learning, surrounds every individual with a personalized plan that maximizes their time at Quinnipiac.

The powerhouse of iQ, our Career and Experiential Learning Lab is the physical space where students and advisers bridge the gap between college and career.

Learn more about the Career and Experiential Learning Lab