From classes to clinicals: How generous donors made it all possible
April 22, 2024
April 22, 2024
With six years at Quinnipiac coming to end as he graduates in 2024, he looks back most fondly on his extra-curricular activities.
He particularly enjoyed his work in the graduate physical therapy club and EQUIP Rehabilitation (Quinnipiac’s student-led pro-bono physical therapy clinic). These efforts have enabled him to refine his clinical skills outside the classroom and volunteer within the community.
“My experience as co-director of fundraising and marketing for physical therapy club taught me important lessons about leadership, networking, professionalism and accountability. I’m proud of the career path I’ve chosen for myself and the fulfilling moments I’ve already gained as a result,” Marion said.
Within the organization, Marion helped organize events and programs that directly benefit physical therapy students, as well as a voluntary mentorship program to help transition undergraduate physical therapy students into graduate school.
With a final goal of joining a professional practice that specializes helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts avoid injuries, reduce pain and optimize movement, he has had continued academic success throughout his time at Quinnipiac.
“My Quinnipiac education has given me the skills, resources and clinical reasoning to provide quality healthcare across three clinical internships and an extremely rewarding experience personally, professionally and educationally working to help individuals recover from injuries,” Marion said.
Describing his experience at Quinnipiac as transformative, one of the most important aspects of his time has been his scholarships.
Coming from a large family, Marion is grateful for the Barbara Morency Beever ’81 and Charles G. Beever Presidential Scholarship, which supports a physical therapy student who has completed at least one professional year in the program.
“As a physical therapy student, we participate in 30-36 weeks of clinical affiliations during our graduate education to build our clinical skills under a practicing clinician. These are often unpaid and often require more than 40 hours of work a week including charting, documentation and commute across the state. This scholarship has given me the ability to apply my skills to these clinicals without the lingering fear of financial ramifications,” Marion said.
This scholarship has allowed him to assist numerous athletes return to their sports after injuries in his most recent clinical position with a pediatric sports medicine clinic.
“The best part of my education at Quinnipiac by far is the learning community,” Marion shared. “The support I’ve received from friends, peers, professors, and clinical partners is truly unparalleled.”
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